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![Robert Powell as Jesus of Nazareth](jesusofnazareth-frame-effect.jpg)
It came to pass in ancient days when Romans roamed the Earth,
A child was born mid angels' praise proclaiming of His worth!
No mortal child was like this child! His Father was the Lord!
His Mother, Mary, undefiled, virginity assured!
The Virgin Birth as it's been called transformed Man's history!
It left the angels quite enthralled at God's great mystery!
For God's Own Son would save Mankind! Thus Jesus was His Name!
One day He'd heal the deaf, the blind, the dumb of speech and lame!
Think not that babes aren't treasure chests! Each has a part to play!
For they, like sparrows, leave their nests! Then soar and fly away!
Thus Jesus Christ of Nazareth was destined first to preach,
Such that He taught with every breath, intent, lost souls to reach!
Then came the time disciples joined! Yes, seventy and two...
Including Judas who purloined, some shekels to accrue!
He saw the miracles of Christ! He followed like a friend!
Then doubts in him were realised! Such doubts that wouldn't mend!
Thus Judas sold the Son of Man, betraying wondrous love!
Perhaps he saw how death began when Christ was raised above!
Perhaps he looked behind a shroud that kept his face from view!
Perhaps he choked and wept aloud and yet what could he do?
There on the Cross of Christ blood fell... Life's energy was drained...
Until at last Christ said farewell... Atonement fully gained...
The sacrificial lamb was He! Unblemished, without spot!
Behold the King of Calvary! Behold the Son of God!
The crowds departed, homeward bound! Another prophet dead!
Another tomb must yet be found to hide away what bled!
Yet Jesus prophesied of life beyond the grisly grave!
Thus Easter Sunday conquered strife and death no more stood brave!
Behold the risen, conquering Son! Behold death cowers still!
Who is this Saviour who has won according to God's will?
Repent, you demons of the night! Repent, you men of Earth!
Behold the Saviour bathed in light who grants lost souls new birth!
No more will Man have cause to doubt! Now faith will shine as gold!
Christ's love will prove what life's about as miracles unfold!
A mighty army prays each day, God's mercies to implore!
Jesus of Nazareth is "THE WAY"... Both now and evermore...
Denis Martindale © poem November 2002.
The following is a film review prepared for:
the film Jesus Of Nazareth, VHS or DVD...
Submitted for www.amazon.co.uk online...
I'm adding it here in the hope it's helpful...
Take a world full of sinners and then into that
wretched world add one individual who refused to sin...
A child who sought to know and to grow. A child who
would seek to let others know and grow. In essence,
knowledge is power. If you find God you learn to get
to know God. As the Bible says, 'Draw near to God...
and God will draw near to you.' Jesus meditated on the
highest thoughts possible then reached out to others
with those thoughts. He used reason as well as parables
to get His message across. Knowing He was commissioned by
God to be empowered with greatness, He kept Himself pure.
It is this sincerity that comes across. The film
'Jesus Of Nazareth' gives you a start in understanding
how the land of Israel was full of prophets and soothsayers
stirring up the people. Add to these the freedom-fighters
ready to destroy the power of Roman rule and injustice.
The leaders of that day would do anything to maintain
their hold on the lives and the deaths of others.
When Jesus confronted the people about getting right with
God, Jehovah or Yahwah, He went out of His way to go the
extra mile. So we see Jesus travelling from town-to-town
teaching, reaching, beseeching men, women and children
to seek God first, to seek the Kingdom of Righteousness,
even above all the Kingdoms of Earth.
'What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world...
and yet lose his own soul?' Christ's encounters with
devils and demons exposed their weaknesses in the presence
of God's power. Even the winds and the elements obeyed
Jesus of Nazareth. So we see expectant looks in the eyes
of those about to be healed. We see disciples staring in
wonder. We see leaders questioning Jesus with cynicism.
We see challenges as the King of Love spreads His version
of how life is meant to be lived. It's like He was saying,
'It's not the quantity of one's life... it's the quality...
It's not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others!'
Imagine the times! People looking for a King to conquer Rome...
Jesus must have laughed at that... Why accept just one kingdom
when you are truly the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords,
the Son of the Living God... Yet for all the miracles,
Jesus knew the Prophets wrote of Him: the Christ, the
Anointed One, the Redeemer, the Messiah! The prophet and
preacher John the Baptist told his disciples to follow Jesus!
'Behold, the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world!'
Yes, lambs were sacrificed in those days. Their innocence in
place of sinners' guilt. Jesus looked at the people like
sheep without a shepherd. He said, 'The good shepherd lays
down his life for the sheep...' So Jesus went to Jerusalem and
received the worship and the glory of Palm Sunday... yet
knowing He would be betrayed and given over for sacrifice.
He wasn't in the dark about the Cross of Christ. Psalm 22 and
Isaiah 53 had already forewarned Him. He sought to obey God
and it's this conflict that grips the soul. So this film
doesn't wash its hands of what happened when Christ was
crucified. Those who have read the Biblical accounts truly
need a picture like this to help it filter through. To see
it is to become a Christian witness. Even if you don't believe
and become a Christian... at least you may learn how Christians
feel about being loved and saved by the King of Love...
Jesus of Nazareth... This is not just a masterpiece, it is a
modern day miracle... In essence, it is more precious than gold...
for it is the greatest story ever told...